Dear Cool People, Worthy Skin Care will be closed for the holiday week. All orders that come in by Thursday morning (12/22/22) will be shipped before we close for the holidays.
All orders that come after this time will be shipped when we return on January 2nd. (We will be closed for 10 days.)
And now: A love letter to you:
Oh, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways....
We love the love, support and kindness you have shared with us this year. We love, love, love being a part of your improved skin stories.
We love making amazing skin care products -- with the best quality ingredients -- for you. And we love your ongoing gratitude for our products.
We love how many gifts you buy for friends and family.
We love and appreciate the way you spread the news that our products -- work.
We love you so,
Love all of us here at Team Worthy.
Did you know,
We do zero advertising: all of our sales are from either word of mouth from you or from people stumbling on our Instagram or website.
According to the experts in the small business world THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO RUN A COMPANY.
(Sorry for shouting, but they shout at as all the time.)
This is the way we like to do business, as a partnership with real people who love our products, our prices and our quality.
Thanks for caring that all of our products are made in the USA. (Not Korea or China with cheap, rancid oils.) Thanks for caring that our ingredients are sourced from Fair Trade growers around the world. Thanks for supporting our small woman-owned business.
In the new year we will be announcing two new products to our skin care line. Our Worthy Moisturizer and Worthy Night Serum are finally ready to go. We hope to have them restocked by February.
(We've been quietly selling them by small batches, and they keep selling out. Yes, that's a good problem to have. You're going to LOVE them.)
May your holiday season be bright, filled with cheer and laden with peace. We look forward to sharing in your skin care journey as we enter another new year.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for your patronage. Thank you for helping us grow.
Happy Holidays to all.
Holly and Team Worthy
PS: We have committed to posting one new thing, or more, on Instagram every day @worthyskincare.store. Here is a link if you'd like to follow our postings or if you're curious to see what we post.
We can do it!
PPS. We're upgrading our color palette: yellow and green needed some friends.
We'll do a post about it after the holidays. One. Thing. At. A. Time.